Mande2.0 >> Workplan
The majority of the data entered into MandE2.0 will be done through the “Workplan Tab”. To see all the activities that are under the LHSS project, simply click on the “Workplan Tab” in the MandE2.0 website navigation.
Within each Activity is a table view that shows how the Activity is broken down into Interventions, Tasks,
and Deliverables.
From the Activity screen, it is possible to click into a specific Intervention, Task or Deliverable to view the
item in greater detail and to make edits and updates as the project progresses.
The Activity, Intervention, Task, and Deliverable levels each have different tabs that allow users to enter
in additional information about various aspects of that item:
Interventions tabs:
Tasks: default tab with general information about Tasks under the Intervention
Intervention Details: tab that allows users to provide additional details on the intervention (such as Problem Statement, Description, Expected results) as it is written in the approved workplan
Staff: tab shows the staff on the intervention and their roles. Staff included in this tab have writing and editing access to the Intervention. This access right cascades down to the tasks and deliverables associated with the intervention.
Files: This shows a list of associated files and documents linked to the intervention.
Tasks tabs:
Deliverables:tab with general information about Deliverables
Quarterly Progress: allows users to write progress notes as the specific task progresses. This allows other team members to check in and see progress on what has happened. The information here can be logged on a regular basis and can be pulled into the draft quarterly report during reporting at the end of the quarter.
Staff: tab shows the staff on the task and their roles. Staff included in this tab have writing and editing access to the task and deliverables associated it.
Files: This shows a list of associated files and documents linked to the task.
Deliverables tabs:
Profiles: tab used to enter specific quantitative information about an indicator (for example, if an indicator is related to capacity building, this would allow a user to record how many people were trained)
Organizations: tab used to enter new organization relationships that are contributing to the deliverable
Outcomes: tab used to provide any addition updates or follow-up on the deliverable. Useful after the deliverable period is ended to track and document any longer term outcome of the deliverable e.g. the change that the deliverable led to, etc.
*All the Staff Tabs are used to assign MandE 2.0 roles to staff on the project, which is useful for setting privileges. These tabs are linked across all levels.
Next Steps: How to Track Workplan Progress
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