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Progress Notes

Progress notes are a helpful tool for tracking the team's progress over time. These can be utilized for creating regular updates to the client, compiling progress over the reporting period as a start to quarterly progress reports, and providing regular updates to management. Progress notes are added to Task-level items. There is one progress note per quarter for each task. Throughout the quarter, project staff should be diligent in filling it out with any important notes on progress of the specific task. As a convention, progress notes should start with the date or week you are writing for easy recall later, a subject, and then further details. Using formatting can help make key details stand out, as shown in the example to the right.

Progress notes can be read by managers and other members of the team to get a quick overview on what has occurred with a task. Also helpful, the progress note from the entire quarter can be easily combined into one document, enabling useful progress details on the task/deliverable to be pulled into the quarterly report template. This helps avoid the loss of recall at quarterly reporting.

A separate field is dedicated for Critical Assumptions/Problems Encountered/Follow Up.

Creating or Editing a Progress Note

(UPDATE FOR WORKPLAN-ACTIVITY) If a progress note is not present for your quarter, you may create one using the 'Add a progress note' button. Existing progress notes may be opened by clicking the hyperlink with the relevant quarter.

Alternatively, progress notes can be created or edited from the Task-level page.

Viewing Progress Notes

Progress notes are compiled across the activities. To view these compiled reports, visit the Reports page, and click the icon for the activity and quarter of interest. The compiled progress notes will generate for the activity.

Example Complied Progress Notes Report
progressnotes.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/21 13:06 by acloud